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The BlaggerEditor HOWTO

Note: if this howto is too long and boring, jump straight to section 8, there's a step-to-step tutorial to draw and save your first Blagger level. Have a nice reading!


1. Where to find BlaggerEditor and this HOWTO
2. What is "Blagger"
3. What is BlaggerEditor
4. System Requirements
5. Insalling and uninstalling
6. Available commands
7. Mouse actions
8. Tutorial: part I
9. Tutorial: part II

1. Where to find BlaggerEditor and this HOWTO

Click here to download the latest version.

2. What is "Blagger"

Intro screen 1 Intro screen 2

"Blagger" is a nice MSX videogame written by Alligata Software in 1984. For any level of the game, you have to take the 5 keys spread around the screen, and reach the exit (the yellow "Safe" rectangle). Touching an obstacle or an enemy will kill you instantly, so be careful. You have 4 lives to complete the 20 difficulty levels, good luck.

Livello 0 Livello 3

3. What is BlaggerEditor

"BlaggerEditor" lets you draw Blagger levels, save them as single files, or insert them into the original .CAS game file. The editor has a full Win95+ graphical interface to easily build with the mouse your new levels.

Screenshot 1: a new level Screenshot 2: level options

Screenshot 3: "Blocks" bar

4. System Requirements

BlaggerEditor should run on any Win95+ computer with mouse and keyboard. Few disk space is required for the program, but be aware that much more is needed if you use the cas2wav utility to create .WAV files (about 8 MB per file .WAV). You may also need some MSX emulator supporting .CAS files: among them, FMSX-DOS, BlueMSX and OpenMSX. Please start your emulation holding SHIFT key down, to disable floppy disk support and let some more memory free, else .CAS file won't load correctly.

5. Insalling and uninstalling

6. Available commands

7. Mouse actions

8. Tutorial: part I

We'll now create a single level (.BIN file).
  1. Start BlaggerEditor
  2. File/New: a new empty level appears
  3. Tools/Blocks: blocks palette appears
  4. Choose the red brick block (lower left on blocks palette)
  5. Now draw your level with the mouse
  6. File/Save: save it as "first.bin" (write .bin extension too)
  7. You could now exit BlaggerEditor, file is saved
  8. When re-entering program, choose File/Open and click on "first.bin" you saved before.
  9. You should now see your saved level. You did it!

9. Tutorial: part II

You will now edit your main .CAS file to play your custom Blagger levels on the MSX emulator.
  1. Start Blagger Editor
  2. Convert/.BIN to .CAS file: a dialog box appears
  3. Choose level to replace, specifying a number between 0 and 19
  4. Click "Sel. level"; choose .BIN file to import (for example, "first.bin" saved before), and .CAS file to modify (probably "blagger.cas")
  5. Repeat the procedure to replace more levels.
  6. Now your .CAS file is ready to be played. You did it!

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