Game Fixes
Shalom Knightmare III
- シャロム -

Download fix for the English version of Shalom to restore the save to disk feature
Find the English translation made by Slotman here
Metal Gear
- メタルギア -

Download dedicated rom loader for Metal Gear English v1.9
Find the English translation made by Nekura_Hoka and Takamichi Suzukawa here
Translation Fixes; ancient fixes for patches so don't remember the exact details
Xak: The Art of Visual Stage
- サーク -

Download old Xak 1 translation with shortened texts.
As soon as the version made by Woomb gets publicly released exchange it for that since it is far superior
Xak II: Rising of the Red Moon
- サークII -

Download this Oasis translation with improvements like fixed typos, being able to remove karma, enter the Crystal Valley, translated credits and other minor bug fixes
Xak The Tower of Gazzel
- Xak Gazzel no Tou サークガゼルの塔 -

Download this Oasis translation with improvements like fixed typos, wrong pointers, complete item names, translated credits and other minor bug fixes
Fray In Magical Adventure MSX2
- フレイ -

Download this Oasis translation with improvements like fixed typos, complete item names, translated credits and minor bug fixes
Not to be mistaken for the new upcoming translation for Fray In a Magical Adventure for Turbo R (Click to see a pre alpha preview video).
Ys 1: Ancient Ys Vanished Omen
- イース -

Download this Oasis translation with improvements like fixed typos, complete item names and minor bug fixes
Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished The Final Chapter
- イース II -

Download this Oasis translation with improvements like fixed typos, complete item names and minor bug fixes like when using the pickaxe in the mines and with the statues in the sewers
Ys III: Wanderers from Ys
- ワンダラーズフロムイース -

Download this Oasis translation with improvements like fixed typos, complete item names and minor bug fixes
Rune Master
- ルーンマスター -

Download this Oasis translation with improvements like fixed typos and minor bug fixes like with the most expensive weapon and issues when you finish the game
Rune Master 2
- ルーンマスターII -

Download this Oasis translation with improvements like fixed typos and minor bug fixes like the crash with the 6th character
Rune Master 3: Legendary Heroes of the Three Kingdoms
- ルーンマスター三国英傑伝 -

Download this Oasis translation with improvements like fixed typos and minor bug fixes the issue with betting on the monkeys and getting max money after one battle on disk 2
Dragon Slayer 6: The Legend of Heroes
- ドラゴンスレイヤー英雄伝説 -

Download this Oasis translation with improvements like fixed typos, translation of the intro and chapter titles and minor bug fixes
Parodius: Tako saves Earth
- パロディウス -

Download fixes for the translation by Takamichi Suzukawa,
Adriano Cunha and Trunks; mostly typos
Download the original patch here or go to the old project website archive
- スクーター -

Download this minor translation of Japanese sayings and correction of the Lewis Carroll riddle for the ROM version.
The Witch's Revenge

Download these minor text updates that fixes some of the errors in the messages.