MSX Translations, File Archive and more...
Illusion City
- 幻影都市 -
Complete Japanese to English translation for MSX Turbo-R by 232 (translation, research, beta testing), Max Iwamoto (reverse engineering, coding, GFX, fonts, re-design, beta testing), Vampier (proofing, beta testing)
Current Status: Complete game fully playable! Completed 1st round of external beta testing (APR.03.2024)...
You can view announcement trailer below...

You can view complete Intro Demo below...

You can preview the new game gameplay below...

Now you can play up to the end...



[ General ]
  • Full translation of all the texts on all 8 disks (Intro, Main Game, and End Demo/Credits).
  • Translated an alternative version of Illusion City where a few scripts and map data are different from the most common version (Disk 2 and Disk 8).
  • Translation of the manual for backstory, more details, and better translations of items, weapons, magics, etc.
  • Decompiled all 151 Event (EVT) scripts and 4 Scene (SCN) scripts with the ability to compile them back into the game.
  • Discovered and fixed duplicate scripts and unused scripts in the game.
  • Re-created in-game compressor to be able to alter GFX and data and compress it back into the game.
  • Created new special dual compression for the script files in order to fit them in the same space or less as the original game. All scripts unpack as they print on the screen.
  • Translated graphics where it was required.
  • Dumped scripts from the PC98 version of the game to enrich MSX texts.
  • Translation working on 256KB or 512KB Turbo-R as the original game.
  • MIDI Music fully working for both Turbo-R 256KB (with MuPack) and 512KB.
  • Added newer version 1.02 of ARMI.COM from MSX Fan 14 to DISK 1 and translated it. You can play RCP MIDI files with it.
  • Added a translated version of ARMI.DOC for ARMI.COM 1.02 to DISK 1.
  • Created 4MB (real size 3.6MB using "AI" optimization) ROM version of the game - almost instant loading speeds, no "change disk" messages" plus other improvements.
  • Fixed the issue when MIDI initialization would crash if the data buffer was not empty before loading the data.
  • Many improvements to the game to remove some small flaws.

[ Intro ]
  • Altered texts and graphics appearance to make it better for English texts.
  • Added space to the "ILLUSION CITY" logo and re-synchronized with the lightning animation.
  • Added English text to the game logo (similar to the game box art).
  • Fixed hotel name GFX from "Horizn" to "Horizon" on the billboard.
  • Added palette pulsing to the title screen.
  • Created a variety of fonts for all intro screens.
  • Added black contour for the texts that overlap pictures.

[ Main Game ]
  • Completely rewrote in-game print subroutines with support of a new lowercase variable width font.
  • Moved all printing from characters to pixel-based.
  • Added the ability to auto-center texts, shift texts, and more.
  • Added automatic color changing to characters' names during text conversations.
  • Added multi-color texts during battles.
  • Expanded the post-battle window to display five lines, allowing users to view all texts without the need to scroll.
  • Sped up print by eliminating VRAM buffer. Text printing directly from RAM to screen.
  • Optimized and improved menu bar code (line drawing) and visual appearance.
  • Adjusted in-game windows to accommodate bigger English texts.
  • Adjusted dimensions of menus to fit English texts nicely.
  • Added ability to the game to automatically select window size based on the amount of text to be printed (for menu selection window).
  • Added ability to store longer names of items/weapons/magic/etc.
  • Fixed Scene (SCN) script on disks 5/6/7. Added events texts that were missing.
  • Corrected continuity errors with NPCs on disks 3, 4, and 5. Added new messages to the NPC on disk 2 to address a previously missed event.
  • Resolved an issue where the NPC on disk 3 displayed a message prematurely.
  • Included the missing Dasa release message for Yama.
  • Removed delayed animation after going back on disk 5.
  • Fixed bug related to the Death Mask, preventing players from dying even when the mask was removed and making it impossible to defeat the boss.
  • Created a new way of displaying magics in menus.
  • Improved texts on menu buttons of the main game screen.
  • Extended size of the battle menu to fit bigger texts and menu options.
  • Added current level for each character during battle.
  • Added a new player status mode where you can see the current player status as "Normal/Confused/etc...".
  • Made items like Petrify Needle unusable during boss battles to ensure balanced difficulty.
  • Resolved (removed) the ability to scroll through all Protective Gear and Weapons in the [Weapon & Armour Store].
  • Re-coded magic menu to have one menu line instead of three. This is done to fit full English magic names.
  • Added gender-correct messages when he/she cannot use magic.
  • Translated original in-game [debug menu].
  • Fixed major issue with magic when you can use "disabled" (blue) magics during Boss fight.
  • Fixed major issue with party almost never able to escape. The whole code for it was wrong. Now it works as intended.
  • Found and fixed issue with player animation in the final boss fight.
  • Corrected the bullet type for the Thompson submachine gun so it uses the same bullets as in real life.
  • Fixed a major issue with pre-generated enemy pointers causing multiple problems, including fleeing from a battle.
  • Re-coded subroutine for escape to work as intended.
  • Made special code to fit Ensealed Spell Shells in the item list and during battle mode.
  • Added items that were missing in the game (some located in stores and some in maps). Some of them were present in the manual.
  • Translated "ELEVATOR" GFX to "LIFT".
  • Implemented text delay adjustments and other optimizations during battles to enhance readability and playability.

[ End Demo | Credits ]
  • Thoroughly overhauled the End Demo and Credits printing subroutines, now supported by three newly introduced fonts.
  • Re-synchronized the End Demo's English text to harmonize with the animations and music.
  • Incorporated English text into the game logo, mirroring the aesthetic of the game's box art.
  • Conducted thorough research on the game's staff to ensure full names are accurately included in the Credits.



Illusion City Intro Demo - Japanese Illusion City Intro Demo - English
Illusion City logo Japanese Illusion City logo English
Illusion Game - Japanese Illusion Game - English
IC Load Menu Japanese IC Load Menu English
IC Load Location JAP IC Load Location ENG
Game Start Game Start
Tian Ren's Home Tian Ren's Home
Tian Ren's Home Tian Ren's Home
Mei Hong - Tian Ren's Home Mei Hong - Tian Ren's Home
Doc's Store Doc's Store
Doc's Store Doc's Store
Doc's Store Doc's Store
map corrections map corrections
Illusion City old status Illusion City new status

Now you can play up to the end...


Illusion City - Main Characters


Tian Ren

Mei Hong

Hou Mei

Xiao Mei

Lao Shi

Tian Ren Mei Hong Hou Mei Xiao Mei Lao Shi





Nan Tian Lee

Airen Doc Isaac Kash Nan Tian Lee

Illusion City - Progress Report

  • AUG.06.2024 - Lots features has been added to the ROM version and game has been completed (a quick run). Still detailed walktrough required. Also ROM version has been tested on MFR and C2. It runs but some issues needs to be addressed (not the ROM issues, more like configuration settings for the cartridges).
  • AUG.06.2024 - Sent latest versions of scripts and texts for further improvement to 232.
  • AUG.05.2024 - Modified in-game "wait key" arrows to have them all "in-style" with other arrows. Also fixed issues where windows with extra added lines (to fit more English texts) had arrows moved out of the screen.
  • AUG.03.2024 - Fixed bug with centering texts when actual text and length didn't match because of space size (it mostly affected long texts with more spaces in them).

  • JUL.26.2024 - Got Roland SC-88 from Japan. It can simulate other versions. Illusion City playing really well on CM-64 mode (Hold SELECT and press "Part + Arrow Right" = GM mode; Hold SELECT and press "Instrument + Arrow Left" = CM-64 mode; Hold SELECT and press "Instrument + Arrow Right" = GS mode)!
  • JUL.26.2024 - After lots of experimenting, published 1st version on how to "emulate" SC-55 on Windows to improve in-game MIDI playback. You can read it in this thread (also all tools available there too ;)...
  • JUL.23.2024 - Fixed major bug in INT subroutine when the wrong variable had been checked for MIDI playback.
  • JUL.19.2024 - Made in-game dialog window 6 lines high (A la Sega Mega CD). It is possible now because of the new screen split from previous improvements.
  • JUL.19.2024 - Made adjustments to game INT to improve screen split and palette change for portraits.
  • JUL.17.2024 - The ROM version is now fully working (though it requires full testing). Disk load/save is also functioning. The ROM version has reached v0.1 beta!
  • JUL.15.2024 - The ROM version is 80% complete for the game. A few small issues still need to be fixed.
  • JUL.11.2024 - MIDI files are working in the ROM version now. The second music track is not playing for some reason, but this needs to be tested on real hardware as emulation isn't 100% reliable.
  • JUL.08.2024 - The intro in the ROM version is improved, and the end demo is working too.
  • JUL.06.2024 - The intro is now working in the ROM version.
  • JUL.04.2024 - First successful start of the ROM version - we've reached the main menu!

  • JUN.28.2024 - New version released: This update includes a major rewrite of the game loading routines to minimize disk access and speed up loading. It also helps streamline the creation of the ROM version.
  • JUN.05.2024 - Still working on the "ROM version". It's taking longer than anticipated.

  • MAY.28.2024 - Many testers and I took a break for a few weeks. We're now getting back to it and started working on a "ROM version" that I've been obsessed with for some time.
  • MAY.05.2024 - New Version Released: This update includes minor enhancements for Intro/Disk 1 and significant script updates for Disks 7 and 8.

  • MAY.01.2024 - Started 2nd round of external beta testing.
  • MAR.31.2024 - Corrected continuity errors with NPCs on disks 3, 4, and 5. Added new messages to the NPC on disk 2 to address a previously missed event. Also, we've updated the scripts on disks 3, 4, and 5.
  • MAR.30.2024 - Introducing yet another update for today, marking our 3rd release :) This version resolves an issue where the NPC on disk 3 displayed a message prematurely. Additionally, we've included the missing Dasa release message for Yama that was previously absent.
  • MAR.30.2024 - Another issue fixed (removed delayed animation after going back on disk 5). New version sent to beta testers.
  • MAR.30.2024 - Released new version with 35+ scripts and texts updated.
  • MAR.29.2024 - Beta testers identified additional issues, including a particularly troublesome one related to the Death Mask. This bug prevented players from dying even when the mask was removed and also made it impossible to defeat the boss. This issue has now been resolved. Additionally, we've enhanced the script for one of the characters and addressed several other minor concerns. The updated version has been dispatched to the beta testers for further evaluation.
  • MAR.13.2024 - We've rolled out another major update to the text file, enriching battle messages, items, and more. The new version is now ready and has been dispatched to our beta testers for feedback.
  • MAR.12.2024 - Updated file with in-game conversations.
  • MAR.11.2024 - We've just rolled out a significant update to enhance our scripts. Over 80 scripts have been updated. Additionally, we've expanded the post-battle window to display five lines, allowing users to view all texts without the need to scroll. New version will be send to beta testers shortly!
  • MAR.10.2024 - Adjusted the size and offset of some store menus. Additionally, the main store window has been made smaller. Improve capital "Y" to look more like it should...
  • MAR.10.2024 - Beta testers have already identified the first issue: the ability to scroll through all Protective Gear and Weapons in the [Weapon & Armour Store]. This issue has been resolved, and corrections have been made for acquiring new gear and weapons! (this is again issue from the original game).
  • MAR.09.2024 - The first test version is now ready and will be distributed to our beta testers today!
  • MAR.08.2024 - Slight adjustments in text colors. Added current level for each character during battle (similar to PC98 menu).
  • MAR.07.2024 - A few small text/items/magic changes. Added a new player status mode where you can see the current player status as "Normal/Confused/etc...".
  • MAR.06.2024 - Made special code to fit Ensealed Spell Shells in the item list and during battle mode.
  • MAR.05.2024 - More small issues fixed, such as items not fitting properly and a few more...
  • MAR.05.2024 - Another day - another intro? No! Another issue! Found an issue where bosses could be easily killed by items like Petrify Needle and five others. Made it impossible to use those items during BOSS battles to ensure the game has balanced difficulty.
  • MAR.04.2024 - Fixed a major issue (pre-generated enemy pointers) causing multiple problems, including fleeing from a battle. The fleeing glitch also had a wrong pointer to the enemy table. Now it's fixed in a better way, and many other issues caused by this are now eliminated.
  • MAR.03.2024 - Another big chunk of scripts updated. Now all parts of the translation (scripts, code, EVT/SCN scripts) have been updated to version 0.61... Made (final?) changes to the End Demo as well...
  • MAR.02.2024 - Fixed an issue where always 3 people were listed in the menu (even when the party consists of 1 or 2 only). Also made window size auto-adjusting. Slightly adjusted the "Status" menu button. Translated "ELEVATOR" GFX to "LIFT".

  • FEB.25.2024 - Many new updates and tweaks to different parts of the script and test files.
  • FEB.19.2024 - New version of the script is ready. Updating animations/maps from newer version for disks 2 and 8 (5 scripts in total). Learn how to identify which script version is newer.
  • FEB.18.2024 - Almost finished new dumper with room, locations, trigger, animations data now in re-compilable form. We can add new events, fix issues with wrong/not used NCPs & game events, improve animations, etc...
  • FEB.18.2024 - 71 scrips improved (disks 2,3,4,5,6,7,8).
  • FEB.18.2024 - Found that script 0 on DISK 7 is a duplicate of script 1 and not used in the game.
  • FEB.17.2024 - Discovered that some scripts have different animations, maps even though texts are the same.
  • FEB.17.2024 - The list of wrong event triggers, NPCs with incorrect messages is getting bigger. Will take some time to fix all of them. Need a new script layout to make them recompilable.
  • FEB.03.2024 - Finally decided where to add items that were missing in the game. Four were added to stores, and other two are hidden in chests (Good luck finding them :)...
  • FEB.03.2024 - I think I may sound like a broken record, but another big chunk (41 in total) of scripts improved (disks 2,3,4,5,6,7).
  • FEB.02.2024 - And yet again, another big chunk of scripts improved (disks 2,4,5).

  • JAN.28.2023 - Found issues with NCP that triggered wrong event texts (DISK 3, script 6). Fixed and added new text to have smoother transition.
  • JAN.27.2023 - And again, 43 new corrections/improvements of texts/locations/etc... Also found more glitches with teleporting. Needs to be fixed.
  • JAN.23.2023 - Another big chunk of scripts updated. Over 50 new corrections/improvements of texts/locations/etc...
  • JAN.11.2023 - Fixed another battle issue. Is there more? The issue is very big. Your party almost never can escape because the whole code for it is wrong. Fully re-coded subroutine for escape and now it works as intended!
  • JAN.10.2023 - Finally fixed (the last?) issue with battles. When weapon skill level becomes high (different for players, usually 180+ out of 200 max), then stop hitting the enemy. The issue, as with many previous fixes, is overflow (16 bit instead of 32).

  • DEC.28.2023 - Found and fixed an issue with an animation "hole" in the final boss fight.
  • DEC.20.2023 - To help find hidden secrets in the game and ensure everything is explored, we made location map layer dumps. Now you can see complete maps of all locations including some hidden stuff. A special page dedicated to it is now available.
  • DEC.16.2023 - 1st version of the animation GFX dumper completed. All animations from all disks have been dumped and converted into BMP files. You can view some of them on the dedicated page. Some interesting and unused stuff has been found. It's mostly done to completely understand how the game works so we can fix some issues.
  • DEC.12.2023 - Removed multiple SCN scripts from the disks and left only one (similar to what was done in the PC98 version). Makes it easier to update the SCN script(s).
  • DEC.10.2023 - Added a missing message on DISK 3 SCN script (that's present on DISK 2 and 6 SCN scripts)
  • DEC.08.2023 - Revealed Illusion City translation to the world right before the start of the MSX GOTO 40.

  • ...Dedicated several days to preparing video materials for the translation reveal....

  • NOV.25.2023 - Completed full disassembly of data for EVT texts. Now data can be relocated as well so script editing is possible.
  • NOV.23.2023 - Completed new script dumper for SCN scripts, so data re-allocation is possible. Now using DISK 1 SCN script from newer version of Illusion City. It fixes issues with some story branching. And editing of SCN scripts is now possible. Adding some new events to fill the conversational gaps from the original game.

  • ...Lots of updates, maybe put more details later on...

  • OCT.27.2023 - Fixed issue with BGM music names. Completed (FM)PAC routines to make sure other games' data like XAK, XAK II, Gazzel & Fray will not be overwritten.
  • OCT.24.2023 - Fixed bug with players being able to use "blue" magics during boss battles. Made a separate fix for the Japanese version as well.
  • OCT.17.2023 - Completed moving text pointers and decoded all text data. Now we can fix issues with bullets for the Thomson gun and some magics.
  • SEP.20.2023 - Started moving game text pointers to normal patching and slowly removing 'AI' pointers patching (to eliminate a few errors that were there).
  • SEP.19.2023 - Fixed issue with 'SCN' scripts on DISK 3/4/5 as 5 story points were missing from the scripts (used texts from same story points on DISKs 2/6/7/8).
  • SEP.18.2023 - Fixed issue when printing pre-generated text and it would not fit into the text box.

  • ...Lots of updates, maybe put more details later on...

  • AUG.24.2023 - Completed inserting translated scripts on DISK 8. So, technically, all game texts have been translated now!
  • AUG.22.2023 - Completed inserting translated scripts on DISK 7.
  • AUG.07.2023 - Started inserting translated scripts on DISK 6.

  • ...Lots of updates, maybe put more details later on...

  • MAY.19.2023 - Updated and polished some stuff in the Intro.

  • ...Lots of updates, maybe put more details later on...

  • JAN.23.2023 - The final? version of the End Demo is completed.
  • JAN.09.2023 - After many months of code analyzing, I am starting on coding the main game text subroutines.
  • DEC.27.2022 - The second version of the game End Demo is ready. Completed End Game Credits as well.
  • DEC.22.2022 - Completed the first version of the game End Demo.

  • ...Lots of updates, maybe put more details later on...

  • MAY.31.2022 - Starting research on the game code.
  • MAY.31.2022 - New and final? version of Intro translation is ready.
  • MAY.23.2022 - All SCN scripts are dumped and can be edited and compiled back into the game. Made a tool to check if data is the same after compiling.
  • MAY.22.2022 - Dumped the final version of all EVT scripts that will be used in the 1st English version.
  • MAY.17.2022 - Realized that the game was using 'old' SCN scripts for in-game conversations. Working to dump them as well.

  • ...Lots of updates, maybe put more details later on...

  • APR.28.2022 - Improved Intro translation.
  • APR.27.2022 - Completed all EVT script dumper. All 151 scripts are ready to be translated.
  • APR.26.2022 - The 1st version of fully translated Illusion City Intro is ready. It was faster than we expected.
  • APR.25.2022 - Found out that the game has 151 scripts on 7 disks. Using a new approach to dump all scripts automatically with the ability to compress them back into the game with English texts (so texts can be freely edited).
  • APR.16.2022 - Re-created in-game decompressor. Now it is possible to dump, edit, and re-compress the game GFX and data.
  • APR.14.2022 - Dumped all intro data.
  • MAR.26.2022 - Nijmegen 2022 Fair completed. A few people mentioned that it would be great to have a full translated version of Illusion City. We decided to experiment a little (not like we don't have a few projects on the go already :)...
    Also available for these systems:

    NEC PC-8801, NEC PC-9801, Sharp X68000, FM Towns, Sega Mega-CD